Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
UNESCSO International Geodiversity Day is a worldwide celebration, bringing people together on each year to promote the many aspects of geodiversity. Join us at the Royal BC Museum for an engaging event featuring exhibitors who will showcase various aspects of geodiversity. Visitors will have…
Colourful Business proves that business does not have to be boring. The third annual Colourful Business Expo displays the innovation and vitality of Victoria's Indigenous, Black, and immigrant entrepreneurs. Browse displays and listen to live music throughout the afternoon.
Gather under the Netherlands Centennial Carillon for a unique caroling celebration with friends, family, and fellow singers. Enjoy the carillon music performed by Provincial Carillonneur Rosemary Laing and join the Newcombe Choir as they lead the carol singing. Warm up with hot chocolate and…
The local astronomical community and the Royal BC Museum invite you to a day that's truly out of this world. Experience an array of activities including telescope viewing, stunning astrophotography, engaging displays, and insightful talks. Join us for an unforgettable journey through the cosmos…